SapphiqueCatherine FisherThis is the sequel to Incarceron. I bought it after I read the first book and then it sat on my cedar chest for months until this week when I felt like finding out what happened to Finn once he Escaped the prison. Yes, my reading and loving of Inside Out prompted me to pick up Sapphique. What did I think of this book? Well, I'm not sure. I remember thinking that Incarceron took at least half of the book to really pick up and grab my attention and oddly, so did this one. I found the beginning of the story slow and not really all that interesting. Finn has to get used to life at court and people are trying to kill him and he's trying to get his friends Out from the prison and it was all sort of dry. Also? I hate Claudia. She was irritating in book one but downright unlikable in this book. I wanted to smack her each time she opened her mouth. I had no sympathy or empathy for her in this book at all.Same for Keiro, Finn's "oath-brother". Although I didn't like him at all in the first book. Why people let him get away with the things he does is beyond me. He's supposed to be a kid right? Well, a teen at least? I think the adults should be competent enough to deal with him once in a while.I really enjoyed the second half of this novel. I couldn't put it down at all, unlike the first half where I'd read a bunch of pages, stop, harvest some crops on FrontierVille on facebook, chat on twitter or spray my dogs with the hose. But the last 250 pages? I read them until my eyes hurt from lack of moisture. We had to go out (to renew my library card!) and I didn't want to leave until the book was done. I needed to know what was going on in Incarceron! I needed to know if Finn was really Giles! I needed to know what Jared found out! (Also? Jared? I keep picturing him all old like Gandalf or Dumbledore, but apparently he wasn't even close to 30 years old. My bad.)I'm not entirely sure what happened at the end of this book. I reread a lot of it and am still a little confused. Something about Incarceron's power also controlling the Outside. Nothing was real. So I have no idea what that was all about. If you read this and understood it - please email me! The whole Incarceron as a person as Rix as Jared as Sapphique? SO BLOODY LOST! I don't think I was smart enough for this book at all. Yikes.That being said - I LOVE Catherine Fisher's writing style. I love it so much in fact that I bought other books by her from the Book Depository when I got this one. I am excited to read more by her and hope they aren't nearly as smart as this book was. Heh.Incarceron series