The 13 Secrets
The 13 Secrets (Book 3)by Michelle HarrisonIf Michelle Harrison had never written The 13 Treasures I would never have met her and would have missed out on a wonderful person and new friendship in my life. Not only am I a total fangirl for her writing, I am also kicking myself that we live so far away and may never get to meet. One of the awesome things about the internet is allowing friendships to happen that never would have otherwise. The non-awesome thing? A lot of those friends won't live close by. That sucks.Thanks to the awesome that is Michelle and Jenny from Wondrous Reads, I was able to obtain this book with a signature all the way from Jolly Ol' England. I am forever in their debt and I thank them sooooo much!My adoration of the first book in this trilogy was what introduced me to Michelle, I was nervous about reading the second book, even though I was desperate for it, because I had entered that "friends with the author" phase and what if I didn't like it? Turns out I didn't have to worry because it blew me away. And of course I was waiting until my birthday this year to get this final book, The 13 Secrets. As much as I loved the first two books, I have to say that the conclusion to this trilogy was probably the best yet. It was dark and creepy at times and it was full of suspense and surprises.The only negative I have is that because it was rather dark and suspenseful I was unable to focus on it the week I lost my dog. I had gotten about 100 pages in and had to put it down briefly and I read Kim Harrison's Pale Demon instead. (Turns out if your last name is Harrison, I will turn to you for comfort.) A week after the saddest day, I turned back to this story and finished it within days. It's meatier than the first two I think. There was more substance and a lot going on. There were a slew of new characters that I enjoyed and suspected (and I was right in my suspicions, too! So HA!) There were twists and turns I had not expected at all and enjoyed the surprise I was feeling. It's so rare that this happens in books for me.Tanya, Fabian, Rowan and the adults in the manor were all present. Mad Morag, the gypsy in the forest was also present. I like her so I was happy. There was just so much adventure in the story that I was whisked along. It was all in this realm, too, so no travel to the faerie realm or back in time or anything. Just present day, with some mystical speedbumps, adventure.I find myself a tad depressed over the end of the trilogy. I don't want more in the series, I think we've visited enough, but I do hope that Michelle continues to write because I would love to read more of her work! And one day, I will get myself to England and I will go to a tea shop and sit and chat with Michelle about all sorts of things! The only thing stopping me now is my complete lack of money and my extreme fear of flying over water. Maybe she should just come to Montreal...13 Treasures trilogy
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