vacation reading
Not sure when I'll have a chance to post again as I am leaving for my belated honeymoon on Friday. I shall be spending 8 glorious days in Disney World with my wonderful hubby and we've both stocked up on books for the plane ride as well as night time reading! This is what I picked up yesterday on our book shopping spree...

The Iris Johansen book won't take me very long to read, but I am a sucker for her "thrillers". Both the Charles de Lint and Tim Bowler books looked interesting enough to keep my attention from being waaaaaaay above the groud and about to crash to my death (yes, I am slightly afraid of flying). We'll be gone from Friday to Friday and I am so looking forward to not waking up to snow and ice and below zero temperatures. Not to mention not having to go to work for a week and a bit. Woohoo!!! See you all when I get back!