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Where my money is going in March

Over the next two months I am going to be dishing out a good chunk of change on books. Books I have been waiting for for a while. March especially has at least 4 books on my wishlist hitting the shelves! Two books I have been waiting for eagerly, one I just found out about this year and the last, well... I gave the book prior to it a horrid review, and I know I will curse myself for getting it, but I can't help it. I need closure on the series. Heh.In case anyone cares, (you know, like my mortgage company when I tell them I had other priorities for my money this month - ha!) this is where my money is going next month:

  • Fablehaven Book 3 : Grip of the Shadow Plague - Brandon Mull
  • City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare
  • The Season - Sarah MacLean
  • Renegade's Magic: Book 3 of the Soldier Son Trilogy - Robin Hobb

I love, love, LOVED the first two Fablehaven books and I have been forcing myself for a year now to not buy the third one in hard cover just so I could read it. I hate when the books in a series don't match. So I have forced myself to be patient and await the paperback release of this here book and now it's almost mine! Same goes for the City of Ashes book, I picked up City of Bones last Spring all because I saw City of Ashes in hard cover and loved the cover enough to look for the first book. If I run short on money next month and can't get all 4 books, these two are my top choices.

There's a Debut YA Author's challenge out there that I was contemplating entering, but decided not to (officially enter) in the end. I have a ton of new books added to my amazon wishlist though due to this and The Season is one of them. It's not generally my type of book (not a huge Victorian era or historical fiction fan) but this summary sounded interesting enough to me that I had to check it out. The downfall is the hard cover price, I might not be able to justify it, so we'll see. (Mental note: check that lotto ticket from Friday already!)The Robin Hobb book I am still not 100% sure of. I might not get it in March but wait until a dry month book-wise and pick it up then. I know it'll take a while to read and I really disliked the previous book. And yet, Robin Hobb remains a book buying addiction. At least the book is long and generally well-written even if I find the story terribly dull.So, these are the books I am looking forward to next month. April is also a heavy book month for me. Looks like I get to take May off to recuperate some funds and then back to book heaven in June (Kim Harrison's YA debut!!).[UPDATE Feb 24 : So, apparently The Season is already OUT if my local bookstore is anything to go by. It's still in pre-order mode on but Chapigo has it on their new release shelves. Huh.]