white lights
When I walked back to bed from a bathroom break the other night the tiny bit of outside I could see through the slats in the blind made me think the ground was covered in snow. I forced open my right eye (which always seems to stick shut when I get up in the night) and scampered around to the other side of the bed so I could peer through the slats. Sadly, there was no snow on the ground. It was just wet and the street lights were causing a small glare.When I crawled back into bed I smiled. I was suddenly back in my bedroom in the home I grew up in in the winter. I have this thing for white lights at Christmas. I love their glow and soft comforting aura.In my childhood bedroom, I would string up white lights in my window and leave the blind up halfway so my room would be glowy and peaceful. I'd turn on Christmas music and sing away. Or, I'd just let the comforting light help me drift off to sleep.In the two apartments I had, I'd string those lights up in the living room window so that I wouldn't need to turn on the room lights while watching TV or anything. The entire room would just feel gentle and soothing. Heck, in the Verdun apartment I had left my awesome snowflake lights up on one wall as lighting for the winter. Stupid fire made me lose them.There is something about the white lights and a snowy outdoors that make me so content.I have not put up the lights in this house. We don't have any that fit the living room window, nor does the window seem to want to allow anything to be taped, tacked or nailed around it. It rejects anything I put near it except the blind. Rude window.Every year around this time I think about my bedroom window, frosted over, with white lights lit up. It's comforting and it makes me smile. It was one of the only times I can recall feeling truly calm and happy with life.Funny what those white lights can do.And as much as I am dreading the snow I am also eagerly awaiting the first real snow fall. Yes, we had snow the weekend before Halloween, but it was only over night and was gone by the late morning. The first snowfall of the winter season is always something I look forward to - whether it's a blizzard or comes in baby steps. The snow makes me long for those white lights and soothing evenings.I wish I could find a way to string them up in my living room window now though - once I buy a new set, that is.