you're not alone
Hey, guess what? There is more than just one person in the world. How about that, huh? This might seem like a no-brainer to you or I, but I can assure you that there are many, many people out there who don't realize this.Oh, yes, I am about to rant. Wait for it...I have been taking the bus most of the summer and for the love of all that is good in the world, people who take the bus seem to think that this is an entire vehicle JUST FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL USE.Do you see me sitting in the seat? Do you? Obviously not since you just bloody well sat on my lap when the rest of the bus has EMPTY seats. Get off my lap, I don't know you. You smell. Have you never heard of personal space? And also? I AM NOT A PILLOW! So do not ever fall asleep on me. And more-so, do NOT get pissed AT ME when I elbow you in the side to get you off my damn shoulder as you snore all over me.And to those people who seem to use an entire bottle of perfume a day? I have a suggestion - why don't you occasionally take a BATH or shower - you know, use soap and water and then maybe you won't have to cover up your BO with a gallon of fumes that make my throat close and want to vomit all over you. Yes, maybe that would be a lesson to you. I won'd hold back next time.And if you're going to use a gallon of perfume a day and then sit on my lap in the bus? Well then don't try and close the window I have opened to a) try and not get bus stick and b) try and breath the smoggy city air that is about a million times better than your craptastick perfum. You moron.DO NOT lean over me and close the window because you're cold. MOVE TO AN EMPTY SEAT YOU IDIOT. If there are many empty seats and yet you chose to sit in my lap don't fuss because I need my window open. Really I'm doing it to save the rest of you from having me vomit on the bus. And if you're cold and there are no other seats? Then ASK me if I wouldn't mind closing the window over a little. Really, asking me nicely? It'll work. In fact I was so pleased at the little old lady on the bus the other day asking if I wouldn't mind closing over the window a little because her ear was hurting I did. And then a little later when I saw her sitting next to me HOLDING her ear, I just closed it all the way because I didn't want her to suffer. But I was nice because she wasn't a bitch who reached over me and closed the window. She asked, she smiled and she was very nice about it.And people? Guess what! Mall food courts are not there as your personal room full of tables and food. There are OTHER people who eat there too. So. Do not stand in the middle of the aisle and gossip about the latest crush you have or whether or not you're Team Jacob or Team Sparkling Moronic Vampire. Get out of the way. Sit at a table. Something. Do not stand in the one spot people have to walk around the food court to get to where they are going, be it a restaurant, a table or just the hell out of there to escape the smells and noise.Did you happen to notice the LINES forming at each vendor? Why yes! These are the lines people get in so they can order their food. THOSE LINES APPLY TO EVERYONE YOU MORON! Do not just step in front of people who have been waiting their turn so you can snap at the person behind the register that you need a soda or fries. GET IN LINE. I don't care if you're a high school kid or a cranky old lady. If you're old you can still wait your turn in fact I'll bet you were brought up to wait your turn by your parents, something that many of today's parents do not seem to impart with their children.Things like "I'm in a rush" or "Whatever" are NOT valid excuses as to why you feel you are so bloody important that waiting in lines for food is beneath you. I thought I had little patience but people today are so much worse - if they can't get something right away they freak out. Well you know what? You go to a food court at noon on a weekday and everyone and their dog is there for their lunch hour. You want shorter lines? Skip rush hour, people.And finally... streets and sidewalks! GOOD LORD! Pedestrians, cyclists and motorists have to share these spaces. If you're on the sidewalk and you need to tie your shoe or root around in your bag for your phone or lipstick, whatever - MOVE TO THE SIDE OF THE SIDEWALK! Don't just stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk and cause everyone else to trip and fall all over you. Be sure to look around before you wander off to the side too so that you don't walk into anyone.LOOK AROUND YOU BEFORE YOU TOSS YOUR STILL LIT CIGARETTE TO THE SIDE TO AVOID BURNING OTHERS. Seriously! I have been with someone who has had a lit cigarette thrown on her. So uncool.When the light is red - STOP. I don't care if you're on two feet, two wheels or four wheels. Red means stop. Obviously you must have failed big time while playing the elementary school game of Red Light, Green Light. If the light is red and you can't cross, don't stand in the middle of the intersection so that the cars going in the other direction or who are turning can't go anywhere. Get your ass back up on the sidewalk where it belongs.And if you're a cyclist and there's a bike path next to you? DO NOT USE THE SIDEWALK AND RUN ME OVER YOU FREAKING MORON! It's a BIKE path, for BIKES. GAH! And don't get pissed off at me because I happened to be in your way as you hopped up onto the sidewalk from the path because you didn't like all the other bikes on the path.And if you have one of those ridiculous scooter things that seem to be all the rage? THEY DO NOT BELONG ON SIDEWALKS! Bad enough you look like a total loser on that vespa and you weave in and out of traffic because you think it's ok because you fit, but you are a vehicle that takes gas so you belong on the STREET and not the pedestrian walkway. Also you look like a fool.Lastly, if there are bunch of people going through a door way and each person has to hold open the door for the next don't just walk through without taking the door from the person in front of you. Yes, I will let that door go and hope it smacks you in the head. I am not your personal servant you entitled arse, take the door and keep the flow going. I honestly will no longer keep a door open for someone behind me if they don't look like they're going to take it from me. If you get hurt, that's your own fault. You're no more special than the rest of us drones who have to come and go everyday to work. You don't want germs? Hold the door with your arm, or carry around hand sanitizer. I am not your personal germ catcher. You keep up that attitude and I'll just turn around and sneeze on you or something.Do not text and drive, cycle or walk. For the love of gods, LOOK where you are going. If you're walking side by side on a sidewalk and you see someone coming towards you - move to single file! Don't just keep side by side forcing the oncoming person off the walk. You stupid entitled fool.It's no wonder I hate people so much. What happened to manners and consideration for others? When did the world become so self-involved that they can't even look where they are going when driving a car? What is wrong with people!Am I the only one who feels this way? I can't be. I mean, we're not alone in the world. There has to be someone else out there who happens to look around and notice there are others in the world and think about those others so not to disturb them or... just.. GAH!Seriously. What makes you blow a gasket that people do in public that they shouldn't? You know like entire family outings to the grocery store.. OOOOOooooo don't even get me started on the idiocy that can happen in the grocery store!*deep breaths*