Dawnbreaker (Dark Days #3)by Jocelynn DrakeSo, when Dawnbreaker was due out I rushed to my local bookstore to pick it up only to discover that the 14 copies they were supposed to have were nowhere to be found. I waited for a while and then grew impatient and when I found one copy in the smaller store near me I picked it up there (I'm friends with the manager of that store anyhow and like to give her the sales when I can). This was back in the FALL.The FALL, people.It has since been sitting on my dresser right near my side of the bed. At the time I just didn't feel like reading anything in the urban fantasy genre. And I wasn't interested in reading about more vampires. I don't know why I waited so long to read this third installment in the Dark Days series, but I did. I finally picked it up over the weekend and read it in less than 24 hours.Even though the book literally starts with action (car chase and fight!) it took me a good quarter of the book before I started caring much about what was going on. One of the things I like about this series is how different it is from other UF books. It has more of an epic fantasy feel to to than a paranormal romance sort of thing (which is how I feel most UF books are going these days. All sex and love triangles and not enough story line).I would almost classify this series under fantasy if it weren't for the real life places like Savannah and Peru and Venice and whatnot. The books are long - about 400 pages each - and they truly do have a sort of Robin Hobb or Kristen Britain sort of feel to them. There is no sex (yay! My prudish nature is happy!) and there is a lot of back story and action and just... well, they are just great reads.I like Mira a lot and I am rather fond of Danaus. There were two new characters introduced in this book that I hope we'll see again in books 4 and 5. One of which, Shelly, wasn't as developed as I would have liked and the other Cynnia was well liked by me. I was almost afraid to like them too much. I have a tendency to like the people who get voted off the island (ok, the Next Top Model island really) right away.The end of Dawnbreaker leaves me wanting more. I think it might be too good to be true, but it really does look like the fourth and fifth books will be coming out almost 2 weeks apart from each other this summer! Can it be? Will I really be that lucky? I won't have to wait a year for these two books? I'll bet something's going to happen to thwart my reading bliss this summer. *shifty eyes* I do not trust you, Book World. *peers*Anyhow, I am happy that there are two more books! And I am anxious to see where this series is going and to find out more about Mira and the naturi!Dark Days Series
- Nightwalker
- Dayhunter
- Dawnbreaker
- Pray for Dawn
- Wait for Dusk (July 2010 - really?)