Fade (Dream Catcher #2)by Lisa McMann
SOME NIGHTMARES NEVER END.For Janie and Cabel, real life is getting tougher than the dreams. They're just trying to carve out a little (secret) time together, but no such luck.Disturbing things are happening at Fieldridge High, yet nobody's talking. When Janie taps into a classmate's violent nightmares, the case finally breaks open -- but nothing goes as planned. Not even close. Janie's in way over her head, and Cabe's shocking behavior has grave consequences for them both.Worse yet, Janie learns the truth about herself and her ability -- and it's bleak. Seriously, brutally bleak. Not only is her fate as a dream catcher sealed, but what's to come is way darker than she'd feared.... (goodreads.com)
I won Fade from a contest held by Kristi at The Story Siren ages ago. I just never got around to reading it. This was yet ANOTHER book that was sitting on the corner of my dresser next to the bed. I made myself a mini-challenge over the weekend to read all the books piled up there. I have one left. It's Willow by Julia Hoban. I don't know if I can bring myself to read that one just yet. I need to be in the right state of mind for severe emotion.I do not own the first book in this series, Wake. I borrowed that one from the library and wished that I had bought a copy for myself. Lisa McMann's style of writing in these books is like nothing I have ever read. It's almost poetry in a way. The spacing, the fonts, the short sentences. It is all fantastic. It's a sort of stream of consciousness style of writing. It's sharp and fresh and keeps you hanging on every word until the book is done because you just can not put it down once you stop.Janie can enter peoples' dreams. In fact she gets sucked into them and because of that she now helps the police with undercover stuff. (Descriptive, I know. I'm no Lisa McMann, ok?) Janie is a very enjoyable character and the harder it is for her when she wakes up from a dream, you feel it. You suffocate with her when she can't move her fingers or see. You just want to hug her and make everything ok. You want Cabel to get over his damned self and love her the way she deserves to be loved and to be there for her and not hide behind his own demons. You love that the Captain of the police force is on Janie's side and is the mother-figure that Janie has never had.And the creepy factor in this book was elevated for me. I do not like the teachers preying on students idea. Rape and molestation just make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The suspense in the first book was easier for me to handle I think.I am going to have to get my hands on a copy of Fade now, the third (and final?) book in the series. Knowing more about Janie's Dream Catching ability and how it will effect her in the future is a curiosity itch that I am going to have to scratch!Dream Catcher series