Money saved due to a really long line

I was this close to buying a book. A book in hardcover no less. It had two things that make me instantly pick up a book and walk to the register - a whimsical cover and the word faerie in the title. Spelled that way, too: faerie. I had it in my hands as I perused the YA section of the store after a late lunch. Everything I saw that made me drool was in hardcover. Sigh. I was being good though, I was noting the titles and authors in the little notepad thing in my cell phone (my lovely new cell phone) and not buying anything. Although I was going to buy this one, The Faerie Door. It looked new and fun and so enchanting. Alas, as I was going to look up the author of Poison Study (Magic Study? Which one is first, darnitall! Either way, they didn't have any of them. Bah!) I noticed that the line at the cash was insanely long and wasn't moving. Heck if I was going to wait in that line to buy a book I really shouldn't be buying because we're really rather out of money and need what we have for important things like food and repairs. Sigh. But I wanted this book. Who cares if I haven't been reading. This book might have changed that because I was so giddy about finding it.Due to the long line, I saved money. It helped that I couldn't get the Maria Snyder book(s) either. But boy was it close. And I know I have this hardcover boycott, but some books, some just call out to be owned in hardcover, even if they don't really fit well on my shelves. You know?The store had it's Christmas stuff out and the holiday tunes were playing over the sound system and I was just lulled into the blissful state of I want to buy all the books I see because it's just so wonderful at this time of year.But I didn't. Good me.Other books that caught my interest were:

Elf Realm: The Low Road by Daniel Kirk (hardcover)Alex and the Ironic Gentleman by Adrienne Kress (paperback)But I was good and I didn't buy any of them. But I got home and added them all to my amazon wishlist right away. I hadn't really gone through that list in a while, so I am excited that I have some that are about to be released in in the next month or so.

Cross my Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter (Dec 23, 2008)Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston (Dec 10, 2008) - if the Harper Collins Canada First Look site would finally get FIXED I would like to try and request for an advance review copy. But alas, I still can't enter my PROVINCE in the registration. But at least it's no longer listing Australian states for Canada. Now it's just blank!

One more book that is already out and in hard cover that I am lusting for is The Devouring by Simon Holt. Yet another book whose covert art captured me. Oddly a week after I saw it in the store and used all my willpower to not buy it (no money) it was featured in the flyer I got from the bookstore along with some coupons. It seems to be promoted pretty heavily around here, and yet I have not seen one review for it on any of the book blogs I frequent. Has anyone out there read this yet? I'd like to get some ideas of what the book is like. The summary on the back was enough to convince me I'd be interested and I love the cover, but I worry about books that are overly-hyped sometimes they just aren't that great. (Yes, I am one of the few who doesn't think Twilight is all that and a bag of chips. No, I will not be seeing the movie.)

And look! Two posts from me in one day! What a treat! Not to mention I have a couple of posts scheduled to post over the next couple of days. I have made sure I was bloggish this weekend. I have sadly been neglecting this blog and my main one too much lately.


Dead Cold


Moon Called