the strongest woman i ever knew

This evening, sometime after 5:00 PM, my grandmother passed away after a short and unexpected battle with cancer.I saw her on Sunday while she was waiting for a room in the palliative care wing of the hospital. I spent about an hour and a half with her and she was in good spirits and told me she was ready to go. There were no tubes, no needles, just a pain pill every now and then. No more tests, no treatments. She was ready to reunite with my grandfather who passed away on June 5, 2009.I will write her a tribute, just not tonight. Tonight I am a mixture of grief and relief and tired.And I don't seem to have a current photo of her on my laptop and right now that is the most upsetting thing to me. I am sure I have something somewhere. Why don't I have any photos of her on this computer?I will miss you Nana and I love you, but I think Poppop has been lost without you since June. Enjoy your forever together.


thoughts (sorry, this is long)


Morganville Vampires Book 5 : Lord of Misrule